Hangout With Heather

The Wine & Food Tourism Awards innovates, tasty recipe, wine deliveries and more…



Niche Radio — Happy July month – how excited are we that we have officially passed the halfway mark of winter! Heather is celebrating in true style of course – with great food ideas, a tasty recipe to warm the cockles of your heart – and some ideas of things to get up to (Level 3 permitted) this weekend. This week Heather also chats with Margi Biggs, the organiser of the annual Food & Wine Tourism Awards about what the team have planned for the 2020 awards, how people can enter their fave establishments and more. The team from RADA have launched their July month ‘Comfort Campaign’ and call all South African’s to make a difference (it doesn’t need to be big or expensive) to help others – find out how you can make a difference. Once again Capsicum Culinary Studio have shared a tasty recipe – this week it’s Peri-Peri Chicken, complete with all the trimmings, and if you would like some wine to go with your tasty dish, find out more about Wine of The Month Club have on offer for you. Not in the mood