More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Why 'Block Managers Boardroom'?



‘It’s something I’ve been craving for, all my block management life’ The idea behind the Block Managers Boardroom is to get like-minded people together, those who realise there is lots of value in talking to other individual’s from companies in the same space, we can all learn from each other. Desmond shares important news about the Block Managers Boardroom and how you can get involved in working collaboratively in this high-value environment.  if you are in the block manager space you should be interested, listen in now and find out more.   KEY TAKEAWAYS It's creating a space where individuals can grow and take shared learning expertise back into their businesses. It’s for the person who wants to develop personally and realises that education comes in many forms – through other people, training and experience. It’s about coming to the table presenting problems and  ideas and letting the people in the room give feedback and share their ideas – they may have already had to deal with the same problem. The