More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Natalie Rubinstein



‘Everyone gives the impression that everything is fine but in reality, we all face challenges every day and talking to another management agent can help to solve the problem.  As block management companies we can learn a lot from each other’ Desmond is in conversation with Natalie Rubinstein, a managing agent working in Knightsbridge. In an industry where there is currently little collaboration between agents Desmond and Natalie are championing the positives for everyone of getting together and talking. If you are a property manager and want to make a difference to the way the industry moves forward then listen in and get involved!   KEY TAKEAWAYS How many schemes should a property manager have in their portfolio? It doesn’t matter how many units there are in a scheme each scheme generates its own workload. The optimum number of schemes is approximately 15 extending to a maximum of 20 for the property manager to be able to deliver good customer service. It’s a balance finding how many properties you can