More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Killer Wednesdays



If you get to the middle of the week and question what it’s all about then this podcast is a must-listen. Desmond discusses why we experience killer Wednesdays and what we should be doing about it. As individuals, we need to own our sh#t! listen in and start being the best you can be every day.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Wednesday is the day you start questioning life, is this what I want to do? am I really happy with my job? Wednesday is a day for reflection, we look back and look forward to what we are doing and where we are going. If you are questioning your interest, energy and passion, it’s important to understand the reasons why you feel that way. You need to be aware of how negative and adverse feelings impact on your performance and output. People fall into the trap of using external factors as an excuse to blame how they feel and justify their actions. You have to take ownership of the stuff you are responsible for – we are all responsible for how we feel, how we react, our commitment, our energy, our engag