More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Stop Rejecting Your INDUSTRY



Opportunities can come from doing above and beyond your pay check by supporting your sector. Going to events or networking with new people in your industry can be great way to grow yourself and find valuable opportunities. Listen to this episode of More With Moreira where Desmond dives deeper into why rejecting your industry is not a good idea.    KEY TAKEAWAYS Lots of people or companies instantly resist or reject new ideas from people who may be new to an industry. I find this is usually not because they don’t like the idea but because they don’t like the idea of collaborating. When you reject things such as industry events or making the effort with new people within the industry, you’ll miss out on a lot of knowledge that you can only get from an outside perspective. The biggest event of the year, within the block management industry for me would be the IRPM seminar. I go to this predominately to network with new people within my industry. It’s not necessarily about the content said on stage at events or