More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Why You're The Only Competition Worth Beating



‘The race is all about you and winning for yourself’  In this episode, Desmond discusses how beginning training for a marathon has helped him to reflect on the importance of being in the right race.  He encourages us all to connect the dots between the different areas in our lives to achieve balance and success. Listen in for some great tips on how to get in the right race and achieve the results you want.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  We build a mentality where we are always competing with others to win, this can also be seen in the world of business.   When you want to achieve something, you have to do it for you first.  Beating others is not the race that is important or relevant. The race you need to pay attention to is the one with yourself.  When you align your intentions with the person you are trying to be, you begin the only significant race -  the one with your heart and mind.  Often we look outwardly at others and what they are doing, and we measure ourselves against them but it’s what you are doing that