More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Should Block Managers be QUALIFIED?



In this podcast, Desmond explores how block management is working and discusses whether all block managers being qualified, as now being recommended, will make a positive difference.    If you are a block manager this episode provides a fascinating insight into all aspects of block management, listen in now to find out more       KEY TAKEAWAYS  It's always good if people are qualified.  Even if everyone is qualified, if the company you work for gives you 2000 units and 50 clients you are not going to be able to deliver a reasonable level of service.  It’s a problem that no one talks about. The outgoing company will often be negative about the property manager. In reality, the property manager is often competent and will have a good understanding of what’s going on but have been in a position where the problem is ratios.  It's not possible to bring in legislation to say that you must have a certain amount of staff to serve a certain number of units and if you did you would have to impose higher management f