D&d Is For Nerds

#3 D&D is for James - An Inevitable Conflict



In which our heroes forget about their adventure and end up asking why Sonic the Hedgehog isn't fun anymore. We avoid a fight in the sewers, can't avoid a fight at a tower and see a dragon. Hya meets an old friend, Buckle shoots a guy in his spell arm and Gurg creates a kebab tube. So join us as we keep to imperial for the sake of consistency. Want to shoot that cat on your face? Head to http://www.patreon.com/sanspantsradio and for as little as $1 a month, you can not worry about the flavour text. And don’t forget to we’re having a D&D is for Nerds art competition! So send your masterpiece to sanspantsradio@gmail.com and you’ll go into the draw to work with Adam to create an NPC for our next SideQuest or 5th ed adventure as well as receive an advanced copy of the Season 2 USB tape! Entries close February 29th. Still after our Season 1 USB tape with the exclusive 5th ed bonus adventure? You to own by heading to https://audiobooksontape.com/shop/dd-is-for-nerds-s1/ to secure your copy today!