D&d Is For Nerds

#1 D&D is for James - An Unexpected Beginning



In which our heroes go looking for specifically chubby strange. We learn about some character traits, discuss working girl wages and meet out new employer. Hya gets a man killed, Buckle cuts his losses and Gurg doesn't understand relationships. So join us as we have a serious think in naming our three retainers. Want to awkwardly chat someone up? Head to http://www.patreon.com/sanspantsradio and for as little as $1 a month, you can fall in love and continue the species. Hankering for some sweet geeky loot every month? Do us a favour and go to http://www.geekfuel.com/sanspants and sign up to receive your (possible) John Lithgow today! Sick of Zammit’s bullshit spiel at the start of the episode and just want to hear the D&D is for James ad-free? Head to https://sanspantsradio.bandcamp.com and you can enjoy the adventure in relative peace and quiet! And don’t forget to we’re having a D&D is for Nerds art competition! So send your masterpiece to sanspantsradio@gmail.com and you’ll go into the draw to