D&d Is For Nerds

#3 D&D SideQuests - Mobius



In which our heroes make the DM want to die. We see Bapbap be very serious, down health potions like it's going out of style and freak out because we're dropping too low. Atticus cuts a bird cleanly in two, Nathaniel give the DM 'a look' and Ira finally needs to steer the ship. So join us as we recreate some classic literature. Want to speak with your fellow gnome? Head to http://www.patreon.com/sanspantsradio and for as little as $1 a month, you can let people out of their rooms. Hankering for some sweet geeky loot every month? Do us a favour and go to http://www.geekfuel.com/sanspants and sign up to receive your (possible) Airship today! Sick of Zammit’s bullshit spiel at the start of the episode and just want to hear the SideQuest ad-free? Head to https://sanspantsradio.bandcamp.com and you can enjoy the adventure in relative peace and quiet! And don’t forget to we’re having a D&D is for Nerds art competition! So send your masterpiece to sanspantsradio@gmail.com and you’ll go into the draw to work