Mitchell Report Unleashed Podcast

Episode 221: @iam_conjavious Instagram Series 1



Episode 221: Instagram Series #1 On this pre-recorded episode from Instagram Live with my guest Jay from the Unscripted Dialogue Podcast. We touch on several topics such as the current climate in Atlanta and how that is affecting the general population with the looting and rioting through the #BlackLivesMatter movement. The legit breakdown about systemic racism and how some people are getting all these confused in conversation. We speak about powerful names in sports such as Lebron James, Kyrie Irving, Colin Kaepernick and Drew Brees and what is being said in reality about these group of men and how they have or have not addressed these matters on #BLM movement. What are the Civil Rights Laws in American and how we can educate ourselves by by reading and learning, which are Jim Crow Laws, Rosa Parks, Little Rock Nine, Civil Rights Act OF 1957, Woolworth’s Lunch Counter, Freedom Riders, March On Washington, Civil Rights Act Of 1964, Bloody Sunday, Voting Rights Act of 1965, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King bot