Cellar Door Skeptics

#232: Meet a Local Michigan Democratic Candidate Chris Banks



Cellar Door Skeptics are resurrecting their local candidate series interviewing local candidates who are running this year. Christopher Banks joins us to talk about his run for the 90th District in Ottawa County. Christopher was on the show a couple times in the past and we are delighted to talk about his platform, why he is the candidate to help change the district, and what his plans are once he gets into office. Here is his Bio. “With over 20 years of manufacturing experience, I have seen and experienced first-hand the impact our legislative body has on driving the state's economy. As an ordained minister, I have counseled and encouraged individuals through all kinds of situations. I understand the role that our legislators play in the lives of citizens: from the 'right to work', socio-economic stresses, education inequity, mental health and the cost of health care, to threats to our environment and natural resources. I am running for office because I believe all households, working class or otherwise,