Everyday Joy With Candace Mau

When You Can Do Anything, What Do You Do? ~ Guest Alex Stoy



Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show A favorite conversation of late is about possibilities and what else is possible. A common question in my life. Luckily I'm friends with similar souls who have put such an adage to the test. Alex Stoy has circled the globe a couple times over, connected with big dreamers, created something from nothing and pushed his body to the limit. Let's explore what choices present and the process of possibilities in a dynamic conversation. Growing up in Northeastern Pennsylvania, Alex Stoy began wandering at an early age, finding an interest and love for the outdoors, both scientifically and athletically. In the summer of '99, Alex started exploring northern Utah by foot and bike. He earned a B.S. in Horticulture and a M.S. in Plant Science from Utah State University, studying plants from throughout Utah’s diverse ecosystems. This quickly led to the next 16 years of ultra-marathon racing, endurance mountain biking, adventuring and exploring the western hemisphere, looking for rem