Everyday Joy With Candace Mau

Magick with a K ~ Guest Alex Muzio



Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show Alex and Candace explore the topics of Love, Light, Magic, and Intuition. Meeting in the Real Estate world and bonding over their shared love of everyone, this conversation is going to be packed full of all the love and connection. A heart expanding experience bringing you all the joy. Born in the salty coast of California Alex Muzio spent the first 18 years of his life studying in the school of conflict; an existence muddied in addictions and depression with the overall phenomena of ‘being lost.’ He eventually reached a point of awareness knowing there had to be more to life than suffering. Little did Alex know, what he was seeking wasn’t outside, it was within. Bubbling inside him was the same yearning he senses in many humans on earth; a deep desire to connect with our truest nature. Alex has awakened into a place where he can confidently say "I know who I am, I am unconditional love, and I wish to share that with you." Alex is a healer, one who sees only truth, gif