Everyday Joy With Candace Mau

Choosing to Live a Deliberately Joyful Life ~ Guest Steph Douglass



Everyday Joy with Candace Mau Radio Show A lovely dissection of the deliberate nature of choosing to live a joyful life. A conversation better had with close friends and family. Good news, this is both. Steph is a close friend and cousin to Candace. Plus they both do Real Estate, even more common ground. Through choosing to live very deliberate lives full of joy their laughter and wholehearted stories will warm your heart. Steph Douglass' natural state is genuinely connecting with humans on a personal level. She is tenacious and passionate about home design and renovation to improve quality of life. Steph started investing in real estate in 2013 when she bought her first house. Since then, she has become the epitome of what is possible through home purchase. Steph is a former elementary school teacher, which explains her knack for guiding and educating homebuyers through their first home purchase. Her caring and understanding nature allows buyers to safely navigate the sometimes murky and emotional waters of