Do You Even Science

Weaponized Knowledge



Knowledge mobilization, knowledge translation, and knowledge transfer and exchange – what do these terms really mean? Do you know the difference between innovation and invention? Simon updates Deena on “broader impact” and his take on a recent conference he attended in Winnipeg. As a topic of interest, Simon shares a recent article he came across in the Globe & Mail about Canadian research with an industry partner that led to a patent for the company. However, this intellectual property, 5g technology now owned by Huawei, the industry partner, will be sold back to Canada. It could also be used in ways that do not align with Canadian interests. What are your thoughts on how invention/innovation within Canada is used abroad? Who do you think is responsible for keeping Canadian Innovation in-house? Tweet us @DYES_podcast. We’d love to hear your thoughts. If you want to help us out, give us 5 stars on iTunes and a nice review. We’d really appreciate it!