Do You Even Science

Hello! Imposter Syndrome



During conversations, Simon has noticed Deena use the line: "I can't be smart all the time" and has often wondered how this phrase came to be. In this episode of "Do You Even Science?" Deena shares that her go-to line is a culmination of events occurring during her PhD and after as she tackles trainee positions as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Medicine. Listen to discover if Deena has been facing high expectations, perhaps a bar she can't reach? Or are the expectations themselves impossible and/or unjustified? What are your experiences with Imposter Syndrome? How have you handled situations where you're assumed to be "smart in everything", but don't perform to the expectations of others? Tweet us @DYES_podcast. We’d love to hear your thoughts. If you want to help us out, give us 5 stars on iTunes and a nice review. We’d seriously appreciate it!