What Else With Laurie Laursen

Feeling Like You Are The Only One



Do you feel like you are the only one?  The only one in the world who feels like you do?  You feel like you have not enough friends to play with, hang out with or call on the phone. Loser Alert! Am I being picked last for the team?! Argh! I hated that as a kid being one of the ones picked last or almost last for the team, which was one of the most excruciating things to be apart of.  It’s funny how those memories can haunt you long into adult hood.  I am so grateful for the tools I have now, to let go of those bad memories and move joyously into the future.  What I have since discovered is that I can now choose to no longer be a victim of circumstance and can create a future I desire that would and is fun for me. Join me on this show as we dive into different possibilities with tips, tools and stories to create a different future for you. www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.com