Realm & Ruin

Episode 61: [REALM] Papa's Got a Brand New Underhive



Welcome to Episode 61 - More packed than a Squig sandwich! Matt and Cameron discuss their latest hobby work, all the recent Warhammer news plus highlights from the community! Show Highlights:- What 40k/AoS lore would we change or keep as it is? Would we rather win Golden Demon or write a BL novel? New Warcry and Underworlds sets on the way Matt builds/converts a lot of Death Guard! Cameron continues his Underhive empire! Community & Discord Hobby Highlights Plus more! Timestamps:- Discord Question 1- 02:51 Cameron's Hobby & Community Spotlight - 23:58 Episode Hobby Tip - 01:10:06 Matt's Hobby & Community Spotlight - 01:11:58 Discord Highlights - 01:43:48 News - 01:47:01 Discord Question 2 - 02:33:12 Episode recorded on the 6th September 2020. Hobby Community Spotlight Links:- Matt's Pick - Flesh Tearers Smash Captain Cameron's Pick - GSC and their "pet" Hobby Tip Link - https://you