Latest Viewpoints by Derrick Fountain

personas can save you from yourself



You may end up paying for lots of design considerations and affordances that you may never need, solely based on the internal goals of the design firm you choose. For example, it takes a significant amount of time to debug certain CSS and JavaScript code, not to mention the introduction of hacks and workarounds to overcome browser compatibility issues. Typically, you approve a design that addresses the specific needs of your ideal customers. Once you approve the design concept, often times the target audience takes a sharp detour and your developers spend time building out your design for people that will never see your website or purchase your product. Your user research didn't include personas for people with disabilities. However, your developer is spending lots of billable hours making sure that individuals with such conditions can comfortably navigate the information on your website. If accessibility is part of the business model of the design firm that you choose, then you may end up paying extr