Latest Viewpoints by Derrick Fountain

bigger ideas for the small screen



The biggest complaint and "perceived" barrier to adoption of news and information consumption on mobile devices in America is a constant nagging over the size of the screen and keyboard on mobile devices. The logic is based on the assumption that the same mode of consuming information on the desktop web, will carry over to the mobile web. Day after day, I receive alerts in my inbox announcing new ventures or new mobile product launches that attempt to extend web-based products and services to smartphones. At no point has any of the mobile publishing platforms or application developers stopped to come up with an original idea that leverages the inherent nature of a smartphone. What is it? It’s first and foremost, a phone. And what is the primary method used by human beings to store and retrieve information on these devices? By speaking and listening. Now how about a desktop PC? What is the primary means of storing and retrieving information on your desktop? By typing and reading. Let's see, speaking