Anne Ribley: Remarkable Souls

MONDAY MANTRA: Peace by Peace - I Reach!



MONDAY MANTRA: Peace by Peace - I Reach! You are connected to everything you need to instantly be filled with peace. Be in a state of a "peace by peace" momentum. In a deep breath. In a shift of thought. In a change of perspective... in a smile... or in the simple act of giving a hug. Keep reaching and connecting with your day peace by peace. No matter what your day or week encounters use this powerful mantra... "Peace by Peace - I Reach" it will sharpen your focus and invite your inspiring presence and guidance to lead you to all your next best intentions of self-love, kindness, connection and your well-being! More information on upcoming events and inspiration can be found @ Remarkable Souls with Anne Ribley is supported soley by donations only and your donations do make a difference. = ==>