Anne Ribley: Remarkable Souls

MONDAY MANTRA: Today, I receive what is healthy, right and empowering for me.



More information on upcoming events and inspiration can be found @ Remarkable Souls with Anne Ribley is supported soley by donations only and your donations do make a difference. = ==> MONDAY MANTRA: Today, I receive what is healthy, right and empowering for me. Honor you. Honor your essential self that is always guiding you in the right direction. Fully allow yourself to receive what is right for you. Allow yourself to do what is healthy for you. Choose what is empowering (in-power) for you. There is a benevolent power that is moving your life's destiny with your own natural synchronicity. Today, trust your journey more fully. Today, receive what's yours more openly. Today, allow yourself to be empowered with what brings you deeper into your power. Use this mantra as a guiding power direction for your week. Today, I receive what is healthy, right and empowering for me. #MondayMantra