Anne Ribley: Remarkable Souls

MONDAY MANTRA: Today… I show up. Speak Up. And let my light shine!



MONDAY MANTRA: Today… I show up. Speak Up. And let my light shine! I absolutely know this is how you can activate your most natural state of power. It’s how we come into the world as a child. All great change in our lives and in the world comes from our willingness to fully show up to the moment, the day and all that is… here and now. Speak up and show up to what is truthful to the moment, situation and what is… and your light will shine brighter. In doing this most powerful act, everything shifts into a better place of change. Once this mantra unveiled these words to me… I found myself repeating these words so easily with effortless grace over and over…. Let your light shine. Show up. Speak up. Start today. More information on upcoming events and inspiration can be found @ Remarkable Souls with Anne Ribley is supported solely by donations only and your donations do make a difference. = ==>