Anne Ribley: Remarkable Souls

MONDAY MANTRA: I am Claiming My Power Back. I am strengthened. I move forward.



MONDAY MANTRA: I am claiming my POWER back. I am strengthened. I move forward. As you move through life pieces of your power can get displaced. Without recognition, your power can get stuck in the past through traumas, repeating stories or patterns that robs you of your power. You can claim it back. This mantra is a definitive claim and positive way to pull back the power that is being displaced somewhere else in your energy field. Call it back. Remind yourself. Train with yourself. Make a daily practice of calling it back. Speak it... I am claiming my POWER back. Naturally, in return... you can experience the strength and the forward movement in a much more collected way that unites fragmented part of yourselves into a more unified expression. The moment you feel your mind, your energy or your interaction letting your power leak out which will weaken you. Claim it back. Become strengthened so you can move forward in ways that matter to you. More information on upcoming events and inspiration can be found @ a