Empowered Empaths

Spiritual Potpourri: An Honest Conversation About Being an Empath in Today’s World



This week Kristin and Martha are joined by our friend, Adam Klugman as we discuss thechallenges that the deeply empathetic feel as we navigate through the current societal andcultural landscape. Every day seems to bring new difficulties and outrages and Empaths feel allof it which can feel overwhelming and discouraging. Do we have the spiritual tools to deal withall of this? Can we find a small space of serenity inside ourselves? Are we really able to find joyin the moment and look at the future with hope? Join Kristin, Martha, and Adam for an honestlook at their experiences and how they are learning to thrive in the midst of chaos.A visionary creator, a gifted facilitator, and a charismatic speaker, Adam Klugman is an American thought leader on a mission to cultivate the Human Brand. One audience at a time, one workshop at a time, Adam demonstrates how each of us can make a bold claim on our core value in a way that unleashes our unique gift on the world. Adam is also an award-winning Creative Director and M