Parenting Bytes

Digital photography tips: how to take good pictures with an Android or iPhone camera - Episode 224



Chances are, most of the pictures you take are with a cell phone camera. But are you using the right mode? Should you be zooming in or leaving extra space around your subject? Is portrait mode really the best for portraits? And where's the best place to store all of those pictures after you take them? We're getting all of the best digital photography tips from expert Ant Pruitt about how to to take good pictures with an Android or iPhone camera.You can go to the Parenting Bytes website for all of the links we talk about, plus an interactive transcript of the entire episode.Subscribe!Have you subscribed to Parenting Bytes on Apple Podcasts? Never miss an episode!Are you following us on Facebook? It's a great way to see what we're reading (including articles that might show up in future episodes), ask us questions, and give us feedback.Find us on Twitter for all the latest family tech news!