Kelly's Talkshow

Is working from home the future?未来在家办公会成为常态吗?



Hey, Matt. I heard your new job lets you work remotely.嘿,Matt。我听说你的新工作可以远程办公。Yes, I'm loving it. It's great having flexibility and autonomy over my work.是的,我很喜欢这点。有工作灵活性和自主权很好。That's great! Isn't it hard without face-to-face interactions, though?那可真好!不过,没有面对面的交流不会很困难吗?We mitigate that pretty well by leveraging collaboration tools we already had, like Slack and Zoom.通过利用我们已有的协作工具,如Slack和Zoom,我们很好地缓解了这一问题。That's cool. Weren't you more productive in an office?那真棒。你在办公室里不是更有效率吗?Not at all. Offices have lots of productivity constraints. And, since we're judged only on our output, it actually keeps people from slacking off.完全不是。办公室有很多对工作效率的制约。而且,因为只根据产出来评估我们,实际上可以阻止人们偷懒。I still like the camaraderie you get from being with coworkers.我还是喜欢和同事一起工作的情谊。As long as you like your coworkers! We do have a physical office we can visit, and we have team-building retreats as well.只要你喜欢你的同事就好!我们确实有一间可以去的实体办公室,并且我们也有团建活动。Seems like they're working out the kinks. I can definitely see that it lets companies tap into a far bigger gl