Kelly's Talkshow

Book series:How to Do Nothing《如何无所事事》



How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell is a critique of the forces vying for our attention.Jenny Odell在作品《如何无所事事:对抗注意力经济》 中批判了争夺我们注意力的各方力量。It's an action plan to resist the dominant narratives of efficiency and productivity.该书作为一本行动指南,抵制了效率和生产力这种主流说法。It evokes the malaise that arises when our experiences have been collapsed into 24/7 platforms for personal branding or products to be monetized.当我们的所有时间都被瓜分在一些充斥着个人品牌、产品盈利的平台上时,不安感就随之产生了。By "doing nothing," we can connect with our environment in more meaningful ways and reveal all that we've been too distracted to see about ourselves and our world.“无所事事”可以让我们与周围的环境以更有意义的方式联系在一起;当你“无所事事”时才会发现,我们被太多事情分心,忽略了与自己、与世界有关的事与物。"Our very idea of productivity is premised on the idea of producing something new, whereas we do not tend to see maintenance and care as productive in the same way."“我们对生产力的理解建立在创造新事物的基础上,而我们并未将保护和维护同样视作生产力的一部分。”"Distractions can accumulate and keep us from living the lives we want to live, or, even worse, undermine our c