Kelly's Talkshow

How to spice up a presentation如何为演讲增添趣味



Hey Nick, got any tips on how to spice up a presentation? I feel like my speeches are getting a bit dry.嘿,Nick,关于如何为演讲增添趣味,你有什么建议吗?我觉得我的演讲有点枯燥。Oh, so like ways to throw in some humor and crack a joke or two?哦,比如想办法加入一些幽默成分,开一两个玩笑?Yes, or at least lighten the mood.是的,或者至少活跃一下气氛。Well, you can always start with an ice-breaker and make a joke at your own expense.这样的话,你可以先营造一下氛围,开个自己的玩笑。So, be a little self-deprecating? I guess I can pick something that everyone can relate to.就是说,自嘲一下?我想我应该能找到一些大家都能产生共鸣的东西。Absolutely, empathy always works. And while you're at it, add some sarcasm.当然啦,共鸣往往都会有用。当你这样做的时候,加上一些反讽。But what if the joke flops?但是如果这个笑话没奏效怎么办?Just acknowledge it and carry on. Like "Ok, enough of the dad jokes! Now, moving on."就直接承认然后继续。比如“好了,无聊的笑话讲够了!现在,我们继续往下说。”True, so just don't leave an awkward silence.没错,只要不冷场就行。You got it! And lastly, just be confident and don't take yourself too seriously.你说得对!最后还有,要自信,不要把自己看得太重。Alright, well thanks for all the tips Nick! I'll let you know how it goes.好的,谢谢你的这些建议,Nic