Kelly's Talkshow

Brand stories : TED 品牌故事之TED



Hey Alex, you like watching TED talks, right? What does TED stand for?嘿,Alex, 你喜欢看TED演讲,对吧?TED代表什么呢?It stands for technology, entertainment and design. It's had the same name since 1984, when it started as a conference.它代表技术、娱乐和设计。它从1984年起就一直沿用同一个名字,创立之初是个会议。Wasn't it bought out by Chris Anderson in 2001?它不是在2001年被Chris Anderson收购了吗?Yes. That's when it really took off and turned into a non-profit.是的。就是那个时候它才真正火起来,成为了一个非盈利组织。That's also around the time they started posting free content online. Since then, tons of their videos have gone viral.也是大约在那个时候他们开始在网上发布免费的内容。自那时起,他们的海量视频迅速走红。It's no surprise. They totally nailed the compelling speech thing.这不足为奇。他们在演讲内容引人入胜这点上做的很成功。They also do an annual conference in Vancouver. I wish I could go. It must be really exclusive.他们在温哥华有年会。我希望我能去参加。会议肯定只有特定人士才能参加吧。Actually, anyone can go. But you have to apply and be accepted. And tickets are very expensive, like 10 grand each. So it's exclusive in that sense.其实,任何人都可以去。但你必须申请并获得通过。而且票很贵,大概每张一万美元。所以从这个意义上来说是只有特定人士才能参加。That's