Kelly's Talkshow

Famous people :Warren Buffett 名人故事系列:沃伦·巴菲特



Hi Josh, do you know when Warren Buffett first got into investing?嗨,Josh,你知道沃伦·巴菲特什么时候第一次涉足投资的吗?At 11, actually. His father ran a brokerage company, so he learned the ins and outs of trading early on.实际上是11岁吧。他父亲经营着一家经纪公司,所以他很早就了解了交易的来龙去脉。Oh, is that what inspired him?哦,就是这个启发了他吗?In part, but he was also an avid reader and had a strong predilection for numbers. He read "A Thousand Ways to Make $1000" at age 7 and sold gum at 6.部分原因吧,但他也是个热衷于读书的人,对数字有强烈的偏好。他7岁时读了《赚1000美元的1000种方法》,6岁时就卖口香糖赚钱了。Wow! Sounds like he always had a knack for business. But, how did he amass his fortune and become a business magnate?哇!听起来他一直很有经商才能。不过,他是如何积累财富并成为商业巨头的呢?Well, at Columbia he met Benjamin Graham and was influenced by value investing...是这样的,他在哥伦比亚大学遇到了本杰明·格雷厄姆,并受到了价值投资的影响……Wait... that's a long-term investment strategy where you buy stocks for less than their intrinsic value, right?等等,这是一种长期投资策略,让你以低于其本来价值的价格购买股票,对吧?Yes, and it formed the basis of Buffett's investments. He ran several successful investment partnerships and e