Kelly's Talkshow

Canceled Flight 航班取消了怎么办?



Good morning, Sir. Passport and reservation please.早上好,先生。请出示护照和机票预订单。Here you go.给你。I'm sorry, but this flight has been canceled due to some mechanical problems.非常抱歉,但是这趟航班由于机械故障已经被取消了。Canceled! What am I supposed to do now?取消了!那我现在该怎么办?Well, we can put you up in a hotel for today, and you can take the flight scheduled for tomorrow morning.这样,我们可以让您今天暂时住在酒店,您可以乘坐安排在明天早上的航班。I can't wait. This is an urgent matter.我等不及了。我这个是急事儿。In that case, I can put you on a waiting list for another flight this evening.这样的话,我可以把您加在今晚另一趟航班的等候名单上。I'm sorry, but that won't do. I need to know that I'm being rebooked for a flight later today.抱歉,但这样不行。我需要确定你们能给我改订今天稍晚一趟的航班。I understand and we apologize sir. If you don't mind an extra layover, I can have you on a flight by 2 pm.我明白,非常抱歉,先生。如果您不介意另外转机的话,我可以让您乘坐下午两点的航班。When shall I arrive then?那我什么时候能抵达?You should arrive at your destination just after midnight.您应该会在午夜刚过就到达目的地。That's fine. I'll do that then.可以。那就这么做吧。 Expansion | 知识拓展 Consumer rights you can claim for a flight delay or