Kelly's Talkshow

Buying alcohol 走,买酒去!



Hey Grant, what kind of booze should we stock up on for the party this weekend?嗨,Grant,我们该为这周末的派对提前囤哪些酒呢?I'd say a little bit of everything. You know: wine, beer, liquor. That way everyone's happy.我觉得每种都要一点。你知道:葡萄酒,啤酒,烈酒。这样每个人都会很开心。Ok. So for wine, we should probably get a red and a white. But which varietals?好的。葡萄酒的话,我们就红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒都买吧。不过具体买什么品种呢?I'd say just go with a Cabernet and a Pinot Grigio. They are always crowd-pleasers.就买赤霞珠和灰比诺吧。这两种大家总是很喜欢。Sounds good. And what about for beer? IPA's are pretty popular these days, and they really pack a punch.听起来不错。那啤酒呢?印度淡色啤酒最近很受欢迎,而且劲儿还挺大的。Sure. How about IPA's for the fellas and some sort of light beer for the ladies?可以啊。那就给小伙子们来点印度淡色啤酒,为女士们准备一些低度啤酒怎么样?Good idea. Higher proof for the guys, lower proof and less calories for the gals.好主意。给小伙子们准备度数高点的,给女孩子们就准备些度数低卡路里也低的。As for the hard stuff, I think some whiskey, tequila and vodka will do the trick.至于烈酒,我觉得威士忌,龙舌兰和伏特加都可以。Agreed, and if anyone wants to drink anything else, they can always BYOB.同意,如果有人想喝些别的,也可以自带嘛。 Gram