Kelly's Talkshow

Tooth fairy 牙仙子的故事



Hi, Charlie. I see you lost a tooth. Good for you!嗨,Charlie,我看你掉了颗牙。真棒!Yes, and it didn't hurt! I just wiggled it and it fell out.是啊,而且没感觉到痛!我就是动了动它,牙就自己掉了。Piece of cake! Teeth just come out when they're ready.很容易这样!差不多的时候牙就自己掉了。But it was bleeding a little, so my mom told me to clean it with water.但是也流了点血,所以妈妈让我用水冲洗了一下。Your mom's smart. And did you put it under your pillow?你妈妈做得对。那你把掉了的牙放在枕头底下了吗?Yes, and the tooth fairy came and gave me ten bucks!是的,牙仙子来了,给了我十块钱!Wow, and what did you do with your money?哇,那你用那些钱做什么了?I bought some candy.我买了些糖。Candy? That's bad for your teeth!糖?这可对牙不好哦!Just kidding! I bought a new toothbrush.开玩笑啦!我买了个新牙刷。 Expansion | 知识拓展 A brief introduction to the tooth fairy tradition 牙仙子的来源The tooth fairy is one of the three central figures in the pantheon of North American children’s mythology. The ritual of children placing their shed baby teeth under their pillows, in the hopes of finding them replaced with cash in the morning, was already being practiced by millions of young Americans.