Kelly's Talkshow

"Small lobsters"-夜宵红人“小龙虾”



Wow, our crawfish is here! Let me take a foodfie first!Wow, 我们的小龙虾来了!让我先拍张照片!I've never tried it before. So you call this "small lobster" in Chinese?我从来没吃过小龙虾。所以,中文里它叫“小的龙虾”?Yes, because it's kind of like a lobster, but much smaller of course. It's an extremely popular summer dish. Before you dig in, wear the bib and put on these gloves first.对啊,因为它的样子有点像龙虾,但是个头小得多。这可是夏天非常受欢迎的一道菜。吃之前,先戴上围兜和手套。Oh, this is fun! How do I take the meat out?噢,真有意思!那我怎么把肉取出来呢?Just follow what I'm doing. You can actually peel the shell off pretty easily. But first, suck on it to get all the flavors and juices.你照我的样子弄就行了。其实,它的壳很容易就能剥下来。不过你要把汤汁、味道吸一下。Um, tastes nice! Very punchy flavor!嗯,味道真不错!很带劲儿!This style of cooking is called "13 spices". It's got a kick but it's not too spicy.这种做法叫十三香。口味很过瘾,但又不会太辣。It's really good.真的很好吃!So you don't have crawfish in America?你们在美国没有小龙虾吗?Actually we do. There's a famous New Orleans dish called gumbo. It's got crawfish in it.其实有。我们有一道新奥尔良名菜,叫gumbo(秋葵浓汤)。里面就有小龙虾。Nice. I'd like to try it someday.哦。有机会