Kelly's Talkshow

Music Genre 音乐类型知多少



Hey Drew, this new up-and-coming Indie band is touring here next week. Wanna check it out?嗨,Drew,这个新晋独立乐队下周将会来这儿巡回演出。想去看看吗?What kind of music do they play?他们演奏的是什么类型的音乐啊?It's hard to nail them down to an exact genre. They're pretty eclectic.很难把他们确切归类。他们非常不拘一格。Well help me out here. Is it Rock? R&B? Country? Do they play covers or originals?给我说说嘛。是摇滚?节奏布鲁斯?乡村音乐?他们是翻唱还是原创?Originals. I guess you could call it a jazz hip-hop fusion kind of thing. They've got all of the complex harmonies of jazz, but with hip-hop rhythms thrown in for good measure.原创。我觉得你可以称他们为爵士混嘻哈之类的。他们保留了所有爵士复杂的和声,但另外增加了嘻哈的节奏。So do they actually play instruments, or is it all sampling?那他们是真的演奏乐器,还是只是采样?It's a good deal of both. They sample old jazz standards, but add a hip-hop twist. The lead singer is a virtuoso sax player.大多是两者兼有吧。他们从老爵士标准曲中采样,但增加了嘻哈改编。主唱是个萨克斯手。Sounds neat, but I'm just worried that I wouldn't be able to get into it. I'm a Top 40 guy at heart, you know.听起来不错,但是我就担心我可能不会感兴趣。我其实是喜欢排名前40音乐的人,你知道的。Fair enough.有道理。 Expansion |