Kelly's Talkshow

Buying flowers for your girlfriend 如何给女朋友买花



Hi there. Are you looking for a particular arrangement?你好,你在找什么特别的花束吗?I'm looking for some flowers for my girlfriend.我想给女朋友买束花。Well, she'll probably like some roses.嗯,她应该会喜欢玫瑰吧。Oh, I get roses for her all the time. I want to give her something with more personality.但我总给她买玫瑰。今天想给她买点特别的、有个性的。I see. Why don't we do a mixed bouquet? Is she more traditional or modern?我懂了。我们做一个混合搭配的花束吧?她喜欢比较传统的还是比较新潮的?Definitely more modern, and she's pretty artsy.绝对是更现代的,而且她还挺文艺范儿的。Ok, let's do something following the farm fresh trend with nice pastels. It's very subtle and tasteful.好的,那我们选一些淡色的、农场风的花朵。低调、有品位。Sounds great. Oh, just one more thing, she doesn't like flowers that are too fragrant.不错。噢,还有一件事,她不太喜欢太香的花。Got it. I'll start with some peonies in blush, add some lovely dahlias in bloom and finish off with one or two buttery yellow roses.好的。那我就用淡粉色的牡丹打底,再加上一些盛开的大丽菊,最后点缀一朵或两朵奶油色的玫瑰。Oh, that's beautiful! It's very her. Oh,那很漂亮!很符合她的气质。 Grammar | 语法点 Stay + adjectiveStay + 形容词You may have seen posters or memes saying "Stay calm