Kelly's Talkshow

Complaining at a restaurant如何礼貌的在餐厅表达不满



Hello Madam, my name is Mina and I'm the manager here. May I ask what seems to be the problem?女士您好,我叫Mina,是这儿的经理。能跟我说说您的问题吗?Where do I begin? First of all, our food took forever!从何说起呢?首先,上菜耗时也太久了吧!I'm terribly sorry to hear that. I'm afraid we're a bit short-staffed today.非常抱歉。今天我们的人手恐怕有点不够。Well, that's no excuse for the server's rude behavior. She needs an attitude adjustment!那也不是服务员态度无礼的借口吧,她需要调整一下态度!Okay, I'll be sure to let her know. Is there anything else that is not meeting expectations?好的,一定会告诉她。还有什么是没有达到您预期的吗?Well, to make matters worse, look what we found swimming in my husband's soup! A hair!而且,更糟糕的是,你看我老公的汤里面漂着的是什么!一根头发!My deepest apologies, Madam. we pride ourselves on keeping a clean and hygienic kitchen, but of course these things happen from time to time.我深感抱歉,女士。厨房保持清洁卫生是我们引以为傲的事情,可是这样的事情当然还是偶尔发生。Well, they shouldn't! I'm afraid that in the future we might have to take our business elsewhere!但是,他们不应该有这样的疏漏。或许以后我们恐怕是要去照顾别处的生意了。I completely understand. As an apology, tonight's meal is on the hou