Kelly's Talkshow

Yuezi: a special month 坐月子



Hey Tony, I heard your wife is due next month. Congratulations!嘿,Tony,听说你妻子下个月就到预产期了。恭喜啊!Thanks, Lilian. To be honest, I'm so overwhelmed. On top of being a new dad, there're a lot of cultural differences when you marry a Chinese woman.谢谢你,Lilian。老实说,我已经被压垮了。马上就要当爸爸了,除此之外,娶了一位中国媳妇,还要面临很多文化差异。Oh, are you talking about "yuezi"?哦,你是说“月子”吗?Yes! I couldn't believe it when she told me she would have to stay in bed for a whole month after giving birth, without taking a bath or washing her hair!对! 当她告诉我,生完孩子后要在床上休息一个月、不能洗澡、不能洗头的时候,我完全无法置信!Yes, that's the Chinese tradition. Zuo Yuezi literally means "sitting the month". It's supposed to help the new mom recover and recuperate.是啊,这是中国的传统。坐月子的字面意思是“坐一个月”。目的是帮助新妈妈产后休息、恢复。I'm glad my wife doesn't want to go the whole nine yards. She only ordered special yuezi food and hired a specialized yuezi nanny.幸亏我妻子没打算完全照做。她就是订了月子餐、请了专门的月嫂。What about your mother-in-law?那你丈母娘怎么说?That's a completely different story! She insists that my wife follow the tradition to prevent any health p