Kelly's Talkshow

Thinking, Fast and Slow 思考, 快与慢



Here are a few quotes from the book.以下是摘自这本书的一些引文。"The premise of this book is that it is easier to recognize other people's mistakes than our own."“这本书的前提是,我们认识到别人的错误比认识到自己的错误更加容易。”"We are prone to overestimate how much we understand about the world and to underestimate the role of chance in events."“我们很容易高估自己对世界的了解程度,而又低估机遇在事件中的作用。”"The illusion that we understand the past fosters overconfidence in our ability to predict the future."“我们能理解过去这一幻觉助长了我们对自己预测未来能力的过度自信。”"Intelligence is not only the ability to reason; it is also the ability to find relevant material in memory and to deploy attention when needed."“智力不仅仅是推理的能力;它还包括在记忆中寻找相关的素材,并在必要时有效调动注意力的能力。”"Those who avoid the sin of intellectual sloth could be called "engaged." They are more alert, more intellectually active, less willing to be satisfied with superficially attractive answers, more skeptical about their intuitions."“那些避免了智力上的懒惰这一罪孽的人可以说是“投入其中”的人。他们更加警觉,智力上更加活跃,更不愿意满足于表面上有吸引力的答案,更加怀疑自己的直觉。” Expansion | 知识拓展 Daniel Kahneman丹尼尔·卡内曼In 2002, Princet