Kelly's Talkshow

Could I have your WeChat?



It was great meeting you.很高兴认识你。Likewise. Let's keep in touch. Could I have your WeChat?我也是。咱们保持联系吧。我能加你微信吗?Sure. Just a sec. Let me pull up my QR code. Here you go.好啊,等一下,我把二维码找出来,来,给你。Great. Oops, that didn't work. Let me try scanning you again. Ok, here we go.好。哎,没扫上。我再扫一次试试。好了,可以了。Wonderful. I just accepted your contact request.好,我接受你的好友申请了。Great! Now we are connected. I'm in a great WeChat group for marketing professionals. Would you like to join?太棒了!现在我们有对方的联系方式了。我在一个很不错的营销专业人士微信群里。你想加入吗?Sure, I'd love to.可以啊,这样太好了。I'll send you an invite right away. I find it great for networking, keeping up with industry news and local events. The people in the group are also very helpful. I'll recommend a few great public accounts for you to follow, too.那我现在就发邀请给你。我觉得这个群对拓展人脉、追踪行业新闻、了解本地活动都特别有用。群里的人也都很愿意互相帮助。我也可以给你推荐几个特别好的公众号来关注。That's excellent! I really appreciate it.太棒了!谢谢你啊。No problem. Anytime!没问题。随时! Expansion | 知识拓展 WeChat and Facebook微信与脸书WeChat is often compared with Facebook. But many tech experts argue that