Kelly's Talkshow

Ice Cream and Gelato 爱上冰激凌·爱上夏天



Hi there, what can I get for you?你好,想吃什么?Um, this is my first time trying gelato. What's good?这是我第一次尝试意大利冰淇淋。你有什么好推荐吗?Well, if you want something more Italian, Tiramisu, salted caramel, pistachio and Neapolitan are our best sellers. If you like more traditional flavors, try cookies and cream, mint chocolate chip and cookie dough. And if you are in the mood for something lighter, the sorbets are excellent!如果您想体验意大利风味,那提拉米苏、海盐焦糖、开心果和三色冰淇淋都是我们的畅销品。如果你喜欢传统口味,那奶油曲奇、薄荷巧克力片、曲奇面团都不错。如果您想要清淡一些的口味,那果味冰沙很不错!Can I mix flavors?我可以混合口味吗?You sure can. We can do up to 3 scoops of different flavors.当然可以。你最多可以选择三种不同口味的冰淇淋球。Hmm. In that case, I'll have a scoop of salted caramel, a scoop of cookies and cream and a scoop of pistachio.好呀,那我要海盐焦糖、奶油曲奇和开心果。Great choices! Now, would you like that in a cup or waffle cone?好选择!您想要纸杯还是华夫筒?Cone please.甜筒吧。 GRAMMAR | 语法 Up to 最多。At the ice cream shop, the store clerk told us they could serve "up to three scoops of different flavors", which means the customer had the choice of getting one,