Kelly's Talkshow

Office Lunch Ideas 办公室一族午餐计划



Daniel, do you want to grab some lunch?Daniel,你想去吃午饭吗?Oh, is it noon already? I'm swamped this morning. Didn't realize it was so late.噢,已经中午了吗?我今天早上忙死了,都没意识到已经这么晚了。Yes. I'm starving. Where do you want to go?对啊。我都快饿死了。你想去哪儿?Um, my brain isn't working this morning. What do you think?我脑子今天不够用。你说呢?Well, we've pretty much tried everything around the office. There's nothing exciting.哎,我们办公室周围的差不多都吃了个遍。实在没什么新花样。I know. I hate eating in the same food court everyday.是啊。我特别烦每天都到同一个美食街去吃。And that's if you can get a seat. Maybe we should just get take-out.而且还不一定有座位。要么我们叫外卖吧。No, it's too late to place an order. Hey Lisa, do you want to join us for lunch?不行,现在下单太晚了。嘿,Lisa,你想跟我们一起吃午饭吗?Sure, actually I saw a great deal on a group buy app. It's a new Thai restaurant just around the corner. Wanna give it a try?好呀,我刚好在一个团购app上看到一个很划算的促销。就是附近一家新开的泰国餐厅。想试试吗?Sure, let's do that.可以,咱们去那儿吧。EXPANSION | 知识拓展 Office Lunch Idea: Brown-bagging办公室午饭新主意:自带午饭In today's dialogue, our co-workers are all trying to decide where to go to eat. Of