Kelly's Talkshow

Ordering Japanese Food 日本美食の點餐小知識



Honey, we haven't had Japanese for so long!亲爱的,我们好久没有吃日本菜了。That's right. Do you want to split a sashimi platter with tuna, salmon, and sea urchin?是呀,要不要来一个刺身拼盘,拼金枪鱼,三文鱼和海胆?Sounds good. What about sushi?好呀。那寿司呢?Let's get a California roll. Love those!我们点份加州卷吧,我超爱吃!Sure. Do you want some udon or soba noodles?好的,你想吃乌冬面还是荞麦面?Let's go with cold soba.我们点荞麦冷面吧。Ok. Um, everything we've ordered so far is cold. Let's get some hot dishes.可以,嗯,但是我们点的所有的东西都是冷食,我们点些热菜吧。How about chicken teriyaki?照烧鸡行吗?Sure. Shall we also order some gyoza?好的,要不再点一份煎饺吧?I think that's too much food. Maybe just some miso soup.我觉得太多了。要不再点个味增汤吧?I'll pass on the miso and get chawanmushi instead.我不要味增汤,我要鸡蛋茶碗蒸。 EXPANSION | 知识拓展 Some Japanese foods taste and look totally different in Japan and in the U.S.一些日本菜的口味和外观在美国跟在日本本地完全不同。Sushi vs. California Rolls寿司 vs. 加利福尼亚卷Sushi and California rolls are two different things. This is what authentic Sushi should look like. No cream cheese, no avocado and definitely nothing crunchy in or around it.寿司和加利福尼亚卷