Kelly's Talkshow

Zodiac series Taurus 星座系列之金牛座



Cathy, are you free for dinner on Friday?Cathy,你周五晚上有空吃饭吗?Sorry, I can't make it. It's my husband's birthday. We made plans.不好意思,我来不了。周五是我先生的生日。我们有安排了。Oh, no worries. Friday's his birthday. That makes him a Taurus.哦,没关系。周五是他的生日,那他是金牛座的。Yes, indeed. He's got every characteristic of a Taurus, the good and the bad.对,没错。他具备了金牛座所有的特点,好的、坏的,都有。I like Taurus men. They're ambitious, independent and reliable.我喜欢金牛座的男人。有野心、独立、可靠。But they could also be very stubborn and possessive at times.但是他们有时候也会很顽固、很有控制欲。I don't really believe in horoscopes. I don't even know which month is which besides that of my own and my family members. Are you into it?我不太信星座。除了我自己和家里人的星座,我都不知道哪个月是哪个星座。你信星座吗?I used to be. I spent so much time reading about it when I was younger. Well, hope you guys have a great birthday celebration. We'll catch up another time.我原来信。年轻的时候花了很多时间看这方面的书。总之,祝你们生日庆祝愉快。我们改天再约吧。We will. Thank you.好的。谢谢。 GRAMMAR | 语法 If you want to say you are particularly interested in something or someone, you can use the phrase "into