Kelly's Talkshow

Morning Coffee 早餐咖啡怎么点?



Morning, what can I get you?早上好,想点些什么呢?Can I get a medium iced latte with soya milk? 能来一杯中杯的冰拿铁加豆奶吗?I'm sorry. We're out of soya milk. Would you like skim milk instead? 对不起,没豆奶了。可以用脱脂牛奶吗?Sure. Let’s try skim.当然。那就脱脂牛奶吧。Would you like a breakfast wrap or pastry to go with your latte?你想要早餐卷或者糕点来搭配拿铁吗?Um, I think I'll try the blueberry muffin.嗯,我觉得可以试试蓝莓麦芬。Okay, your total is $7.50. And could I get your name for the order?好的,一共是7.5美元。请问您怎么称呼?Mina.Mina.EXPANSION | 知识拓展How do you like your coffee?你的咖啡要怎么做?There are many different ways to enjoy coffee but how do you like yours? Here are some words and expressions to help you the next time you are at a cafe.咖啡有很多种喝法,你喜欢什么样的呢?这里有一些下次你在咖啡店可以用到的词和表达。Black coffee is coffee without milk. You can order an espresso, americano, or brewed coffee without milk. 黑咖啡就是不加奶的咖啡。你可以点浓缩、美式或者不加奶的现磨咖啡。Brewed coffee or filtered coffee is coffee that is made by pouring water over ground coffee beans. If you order "a coffee" in North America, your barista will give you brewed coffee.现磨咖啡和