Kelly's Talkshow

Zodiac series Leo 星座系列之狮子座



Leos are ambitious. Their strength and sense of purpose allow them to accomplish a great deal in life. 狮子座野心勃勃。他们的力量和目标意识让他们在人生中成就不凡。They love being the center of attention and have the charisma to pull it off. 他们喜欢成为万众瞩目的焦点,而且他们也的确有这种吸人眼球的魅力。Warmth and enthusiasm seem to seep from Leo's every pore, making them a pleasure to be around. 温暖和乐趣充斥在狮子座身上的每一个毛孔,有他们在身边一定是妙趣横生。Just like the lions who rule the jungle, Leos are natural leaders. However, they may ruffle a few feathers along the way since they can be overbearing and autocratic at times.就好像狮子统治丛林一般,狮子座也是天生的领导人。但是,因为他们有时候的强势与专横,他们也会得罪一些人。That said, they are well-organized, idealistic, and have a knack for inspiring others.尽管如此,他们很有条理、理想主义并且有鼓舞他人的天赋。GRAMMAR | 语法To pull something off is an idiom with a few different, but related, meanings. It involves doing something difficult, or something that not everyone is able to do. In today's dialogue a Leo is described as someone who can pull off being the center of attention: Not everyone can (or wants to) do that.