Kelly's Talkshow

Happy Halloween万圣节快乐



Hi Steve, happy halloween! Are you doing anything special today?嗨,Steve,万圣节快乐!今天有什么特别活动吗?Hi Mandy, happy halloween! To be honest, I'm pretty tired of all the hype and buzz.嗨,Mandy,万圣节快乐!说实话,我对这些喧闹、造势早就厌烦了。What do you mean?为什么?It's a completely commercialized holiday for businesses to sell a ton of candy and costumes.现在万圣节完全是一个商业化的节日,商家借机兜售一大堆糖果和道具服。Well, you do have a point. I'm not that big on Halloween. I mostly do it for my kids. We had so much fun carving pumpkins and picking out costumes.你说的对。我也没之前那么热衷万圣节了。现在主要是为了孩子。我们在一起刻南瓜、选服装还是很开心的。 BackGround Music:Adelais  Artists:十指流玉