Dear Art Producer

065: Steve Ross, Head of Production at Allstate



Steve Ross is Head of Production at Allstate in Chicago. He worked with McGarryBowen for years but recognized that the industry was changing and moved to Allstate where he’s helping to set up their in-house agency.  Heather and Steve talk about the perspective of being on the agency side and the brand side, setting up new internal processes and structures in the time of Covid-19 and the limitations of shooting remotely vs. on-set. They also discuss padding pre-production and post-production time, more efficient communications processes and how artists are staying in touch.   In an industry where the rules are always changing, it’s helpful to hear from those on the front lines. Heather Elder is the visionary behind; visit for industry updates, stunning photography and video, and the artists behind the work. More about our guest: Find Allstate’s Head of Production Steve Ross on LinkedIn.  More about your host: Heather Elder’s Bio Heather Elder’s Blog Heather Elder on